Only 23 finalists from 250 real estate agents, development companies, mortgage banks, and residential complexes of different classes (economy, comfort, business, luxury) came to the final.
The contest started on April 1 and included Internet and interactive voting on the following websites: doveriekonkurs.ru and bsn.ru with the same participants lists and rules (1 ip – 1 vote). 11 000 votes were given for 250 participants and the participants with the largest number of votes came to the final.
The preparation for the final phase of the contest started in October, when the Committee began collecting information on the finalists: if they have any violations from the monitoring and supervisory bodies, assessing performance of staff. The Committee also took into consideration the number of complaints from the people to the Construction Committee and to the Real estate commission of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region Consumer association.
The real estate market professionals, representatives of the State bodies, public associations and specialized media entered the Expert Council. The experts were provided all information about participants. Besides, the applicants had opportunities to present their company or project and respond the experts' questions.
The experts are to vote anonymously. The winners will be announced at the official ceremony which will be held on December 2 at the Investment project hall. Nesky Prostor is among top-5 nominees.